2023 TBR Pile Challenge

I’ve signed up for the ‘TBR Pile Challenge’ hosted by Adam Burgess over at Roof Beam Reader. This challenge appealed to me because the idea is to put a dent in the TBR pile and not to be distracted by shiny, new titles which come along. Here are the rules:

Each of these 12 books must have been on your bookshelf or “To Be Read” list for AT LEAST one full year. This means the book cannot have a publication date of 1/1/2022 or later (any book published in the year 2021 or earlier qualifies, as long as it has been on your TBR pile). Caveat: Two (2) alternates are allowed, just in case one or two of the books ends up in the “did not finish (DNF)” pile.

I don’t know which of those titles I’m going to read; as highlighted here when I was discussing my reading goals for last year, I spin a wheel to dictate which book I’m going to read next. The only difference, as per above, is the book can only be published in 2021 or earlier. I have about 50 books in my pile and I’m aiming for 12 so let’s see how we go.

Foster by Claire Keegan

Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

Breath - The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

Quiet - The power of Introverts by Susan Cain


2023 NonFiction Reader Challenge


Six Degrees of Separation - February 2023